Tag: kayleehoude

What kind of resume should I use? Choosing a format.

Choosing a resume format depends on two key things: (1) who you are and (2) what your end goal is. There are two key types of resumes, chronological and functional.…
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Abundance over Scarcity: The Mindset of Collaboration

There are two kinds of people in the world. Those that lift each other up, and those that compete for limited resources. While there can be some motivating benefits from…
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10 Ways to Combat Smondays

“That moment that Sunday stops feeling like Sunday and the anxiety of Monday kicks in.” This is the definition of Smonday. It is felt by those of us that do…
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Embracing Change-3 Ways to Leverage Self-Motivation

Embracing Change: 3 Ways to Leverage Self-Motivation

Motivation is fostered when your dissatisfaction with something alongside your vision for something different is combined with your clarity around first steps. When these 3 aspects, dissatisfaction, vision and first…
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Mind The Gap: Explaining Career Gaps with Ease

“Tell me about this gap on your resume…” It is the dreaded question that you know the recruiter is going to ask you. You have no idea what to say.…
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Being overqualified: What does it mean? With Kaylee Houde https://www.linkedin.com/in/khoude/ https://twitter.com/kayleehoude https://www.khcareercoaching.com/ https://www.facebook.com/kayleehoude/

Being Overqualified: What Does It Mean?

If a company tells you that you are overqualified, and that is their reason for not hiring you for the role, they might have a method behind their madness. Of…
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Confidence or the Job Seeker - Lets talk about it. By Kaylee Houde

Confidence: Your Best Job Asset, or Job Antagonist?

Confidence or the Job Seeker – Lets talk about it. By Kaylee Houde The short answer – Yes. And, Yes. Confidence is critical in the job search. You need a…
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Show Up and Speak Up – The Art of Networking By Kaylee Houde | khcareercoaching.com

Show Up & Speak Up – The Art of Networking.

The Art of Networking – Lets talk about it. By Kaylee Houde What is your hold up for avoiding networking? “I don’t need to – I already have a job.”  “You…
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