Hiring Managers

Hiring Managers, one of the best and least stressful jobs in the… okay okay, that could not be said with a straight face.

Yes, hiring is one of those necessary evils in any thriving business.

You may relate to the overwhelming feat of researching, digesting, discussing and delegating tasks of choosing the right fitting candidate, out of submissions that number in the hundreds, sometimes even thousands.

They all start to look the same right?
Was Joe the one with The Bachelors of Science or was Priyanka?
Did you say you liked the interview with Maria but not Jon, or was Gustavo the sure pick from day one? Has your boss even interviewed any of them yet?
Is he even in the building right now?
Am I still in the building right now at this hour?


Developing a platform of understanding, communication and helpful content is key. Know of ways to optimize the onboarding process? Speak up! Recruitamentary aims to filter out all of the false positives of success, partnering with some world class talent in making the hiring process better, faster, stronger and optimized like never before. Reach out to be a part of the experience, share insight, stories or valuable feedback to make the hiring process something that more people can look forward to. Let today be the first day to make your presence known and heard loud and clear as a candidate advocate.

Learn more about Recruitamentary today.