
Recently Featured in the AllThingsRisk Podcast: Ep. 88: Michael MidKnight – Creativity and Design in Careers and Beyond

Was featured as a guest on allthingsrisk with Ben Cattaneo – Great conversation just about all real aspects of the business, creatives and how I came to be where I am today:


Today, it’s all about creativity, design, marketing and careers. That, and authenticity, a now over-used word. In the past, we’ve talked about “inauthentic authenticity” – the appearance of authenticity to create some type of one-sided sales or marketing benefit. This is a practice that one sees regularly online which can create risks and unintended consequences – for all sides in the equation. We need more people who speak their minds and are genuine.

My guest today is exactly that.

Meet Michael MidKnight.

Michael is a Design and Marketing Consultant with his brand Mik Tek Studios, Career Advocate with his series Recruitamentary and a fellow podcast host. We cover the art of marketing, value of genuine authenticity and enjoy the rich depths and importance of storytelling for an experience – Lion King references included!

If Marketing, Sales, Design, Creative Thinking or a wide range of humorous takes on his industry experience as a whole, this would be the episode for you worth listening to. And even if it isn’t there are loads of great insights applicable to many other aspects of our lives.

Show notes:

Mik Tek Studios: www.miktek.tv

YouTube: www.youtube.com/miktekstudios

Mik Tek Studios on Facebook: www.facebook.com/miktekstudios

Instagram: www.instagram.com/miktekstudios

Twitter: www.twitter.com/miktekstudios

Mik Tek Studios Podcast is on iTunes, SoundCloud and Google Play, search for ‘miktekstudios’)


website: www.recruitamentary.com

YouTube: www.youtube.com/recruitamentary

Facebook: www.facebook.com/recruitamentary

Twitter: www.twitter.com/recruitamentary

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